StartMusikDJ Koze: Fader Mix

DJ Koze: Fader Mix

Passend zur heutigen Veröffentlichung von DJ Kozes Album „AMYGDALA“ (Stream) hat das Fader Magazin diesen feinen Mix von DJ Koze veröffentlicht.

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Im Fader-Interview verrät uns Koze u.a. warum der erste Track des Album „Track ID Anyone?“ heisst.

I was interested in the title of the opening track, „Track ID Anyone?“ How“™d you come up with that one? It“™s a funny joke! Do you know where it comes from, or not? If you see on Soundcloud mixes or on YouTube, every second guy makes comments asking, „Great song, track ID anyone?“ „Great song at 20:30, track ID anyone?“ It was just a funny idea to call it that“”to call it something that everybody is asking for“¦ You can“™t Google it because it has 6 million hits. Even now, they don“™t know if people asking for the „Track ID anyone“ or if it“™s just the name. It“™s like meta“”a meta-dimensional joke.

Hier geht es zum Interview.