StartMusikMixesClaptone - Music To... Clap To (Mix)

Claptone – Music To… Clap To (Mix)

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Schöne housige Mische des Berliners Claptone. Ordentlich aufdrehen und der unten stehenden Anleitung folgen.

Press Play. Then take your hands out your pockets. Keep your head straight. Spread your arms. Concentrate. Imagine a triangle. Both hands join quickly to form the apex. Repeat with vigour as the top of the triangle is open and then closed. Repeat for about 60 minutes.


01. Cascandy ­- Rammeln
02. Teenage Mutants & Lars Moston ­- Magic
03. Ole Biege, Martin Waslewski -­ Odsbodkins (Hanne & Lore Remix)
04. Nick Monaco ­- 5 Feet
05. Kevin Over ­- Jodye
06. Sirens Of Lesbos ­- Long Days Hot Nights (Claptone Remix)
07. Harry Romero ­- Tania (Riva Starr Remix)
08. Cajmere, Dajae, Doorly ­- The Way
09. Gerd featuring Marcoradi ­- Still Believe
10. Carlos Sanchez K15- (Detlef Remix)
11. Andhim -­ Melte