Bei den Oscars hat Grammy Abräumerin des Jahres Bilie Eilish gemeinsam mit ihrem Bruder Finneas „Yesterday“ von den Beatles gecovert, Host Janelle Monáe hat ihr fantastisches Ralph Lauren Kleid für eine Performance von „Come Alive“ gewechselt. Den Vogel aber abgeschossen hat Eminem mit einer orchestralen Performance von „Lose Yourself“. 2003 gewann er mit dem Song den Oscar für den besten Song, war aber selbst nicht bei der Verleihung um seinen Oscar anzunehmen. Angeblich war die Performance eine Überraschung für alle Gäste.
Last night’s performance certainly was a surprise — how did it all come together, and why this year?
I kinda figured maybe since I didn’t get a chance to do it at the time, maybe it would be cool. Back then, I never even thought that I had a chance to win, and we had just performed “Lose Yourself” on the Grammys with the Roots a couple of weeks before the Oscars, so we didn’t think it was a good idea. And also, back at that time, the younger me didn’t really feel like a show like that would understand me.But then when I found out I won, “That’s crazy!” That to me shows how authentic and real that award is — when you don’t show up and you still win. That makes it very real to me.