StartMusikDownload-Tipp: DJ Spinna "The Recall" Mixtape

Download-Tipp: DJ Spinna „The Recall“ Mixtape

Dope Beats am Stück mit dem „The Recall“ Mixtape von DJ Spinna:

To celebrate the release of DJ Spinna“™s „Sonic Smash“ on June 30 we are
giving you a crash course on some of his most popular tunes. „The Recall“
is an actual mix including 32 songs and its mixed by the man himself.
Consider this a Dj Spinna 101 of sorts.

Ever wonder how Eminem would sound over some dope beats? We have
that here. Unreleased remixes? We have those too. Classic cuts? We also
have that.

Mit am Start sind Eminem, Busta Rhymes, De La Soul, Das Efx u.v.m.. (via @stoebeli via High Water Music)

Download: DJ Spinna „The Recall“

Tracklist nach dem Klick.