Für das Video zu seinem neuen Song „Hey Love“ sammelt Tricky Instagram Bilder. Einfach Track anhören, inspieren lassen, Foto machen und bis zum 30. April auf Instagram mit Hashtag #heytricky taggen.
We need your help to make a video for this track featuring your Instagram pictures. Listen to the track and take a photo that is inspired by it and post that photo to Instagram with the hashtag #heytricky. We“™ll go through them and edit a video for the track from all the photos. They can be anything, with or without text – whatever you feel. Obviously, by submitting a photo with the hashtag you are agreeing to let us use it in the video. We“™d like to have all your photos uploaded to Instagram with the hashtag #heytricky by midnight on 30th April.
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„Hey Love“ erscheint am 24. Mai auf Trickys neuem Album „False Idols“.
PS: Ich bin auch auf Instagram zu finden.