Harry Heaton stellt in seinem Tumblr http://legoalbums.tumblr.com/ digitale LEGO Albumcover aus. Alle LEGO Albums sind am Computer entstanden. Und das geht so:
1. Select album cover.
2. Pixilate the image by selecting filter then pixilate then mosaic.
3. Select the pixilation you would like.
4. Now you have a pixilated image.
5. Create a brick shaped pixel.
6. Duplicate the brick until a row is complete.
7. Duplicate the row of bricks until the whole cover is filled.
8. Merge all the row of bricks and then fiddle with the „˜Fill“™ of the image.
9. You should then have a lego looking cover.
10. Then fiddle with the contrast to make the colours work.
11. Fin.
Wem das zu schwer ist, bittet Henry um das Cover, aber schaut vorher im Archiv nach. Es ist voll von LEGO Albums.
(via Atomlabor)