Die lebensmüden Häuserkletterer von On The Roofs haben in New York City den Cetral Park South Tower in New York bestiegen. Der noch im Bau befindliche Super-Wolkenkratzer ist mit 472 Metern Höhe derzeit Amerkias höchste Wolkenkratzer Baustelle. Wie immer ist ein On The Roofs Clips nichts für Menschen mit Höhenangst.
Today we’re going to show you video which was shot several months ago during our trip to the USA. This time you will see the highest abuilding tower of America which is under construction. Central Park South Tower, Manhattan.
To get this building was the real problem. As you know, in the USA and especially in New York City, police are very vigilant. Moreover, after the terroristic act on 11th of September, there are cameras, sensors and security services watch everywhere.
Despite all these facts, Ontheroofs team managed to come and get it
We could make the way unnoticed, bypass everything traps of protection and climb on the highest crane of the USA. As it was, I suggest you watching in this video.