Pro Freerunner Calen Chan läuft mit GoPro im Mund den Skyladder Kurs hinab. DerParkour-Spielplatz auf dem Tianmen Mountain in China soll der größte seiner Art sein. Der 360 Meter lange Kurs ist auf insgesamt 999 Stufen gebaut und hat eine Neigung von 45 Grad. Verrückt.
My name is Calen Chan, and this is a FULL POV RUN of the Skyladder Parkour course at Tianman Mountain in China! I had the wonderful opportunity to come and play here at this beautiful location called Heaven’s Gate. It has an average incline of 45 degrees, and is 999 steps long (about 3 football fields)! Obviously this was difficult, and I physically couldn’t sprint down the entire path of deadly drops without slowing down, but I did my best! I am the only person to do the whole thing with a GoPro in my mouth, so please help a guy out and give it a share!
(via Pascal)