Motörhead-Frontmann Lemmy springt jetzt auch auf den Fitness-Zug auf. Um Diabetes vorzubeugen steigt er nämlich jetzt von Whiskey-Cola auf Vodka-O um, mit ganz wenig O versteht sich. Das hat der Verfechter des Guten-Morgen-Drinks jetzt dem Guardian erzählt. Außerdem gibt’s ab jetzt auch nur noch eine Packung Kippen die Woche.
He has changed his lifestyle – he“™s down to a pack of fags a week, and has swapped from Jack and Coke to vodka and orange, apparently to help with his diabetes, – though his assistant wonders whether swapping from one 40% spirit topped with sugar to another 40% spirit topped with sugar is really going to help. „I like orange juice better,“ he says. „So, Coca-Cola can fuck off.“ A full bottle of Absolut is put in front of him for the interview, and a full bottle of Jack Daniels is given to me – which seems a bit optimistic, given Lemmy sets an interview limit of 25 minutes, which he will extend by five minutes if he likes the questions (we get up to 33 minutes).